Tuesday 3 October 2023

Study 191

Arpad Rusz
Chess Artistry Adventure

Despite being blocked, the pawn is extremely dangerous. Black has a simple winning plan: bring the queen to c1 after finding a safe square for the black king (e.g. b8). This forces white to take immediate action by trying to give a perpetual check.

1. Qf5+ 1. Qd3+? Ke8 2. Qb5+ Kf8 3. Qb4+ Kg8 4. Qc4+ Kg7 5. Qc7+ Kh6 6. Qb6+ Qg6! 7. Qxb2 Qg7+ -+ 1... Kc6 2. Qe6+ Kc5 3. Qd6+ Kc4 4. Qd4+ Kb3 5. Qd3+ Ka2 6. Qc4+ Kb1! The black pawn is blocked again. The white queen is in an optimal position, so let's move the king! 6... Ka1 7. Qa4+ Kb1 8. Qd1+ Ka2 9. Qa4+ perpetual check

7. Kf6! One more check would be a mistake. 7. Qd3+? Kc1 8. Qc4+ Kd1 9. Qd3+ Qd2 10. Qb1+ Ke2 11. Qe4+ Qe3-+ White loses due to the unfortunate position of its king. 7... Qf2+ 7... Qc2 8. Qf1+ Ka2 9. Qa6+ Kb1 10. Qf1+ perpetual check 8. Kg7! Qa7+ In order to try to free its king, the black queen has to take control of the a-file. 9. Kh8!!

That is the only safe square! 9. Kg6? Ka1 10. Qc3 Qa6+ The 6th rank is bad for the white king because of this check. 11. Kg7 Ka2 -+; 9. Kg8? Qa2 -+; 9. Kf8? Ka1 10. Qc3 Qa6 11. Qd4 Ka2 12. Qd5+ Ka3 13. Qc5+ Kb3 14. Qd5+ Qc4 15. Qb7+ Qb4+-+ This variation would be draw by wk on h8. 9... Ka1 10. Qc3 Ka2 11. Qc4+ Ka1 12. Qc3 Qa6 13. Qd4/e5 Ka2 14. Qd5+ Ka1 15. Qd4 =

Watch this study on a dynamic board! Click here!

(You can analyze the study with the help of the Syzygy tablebases here.)

This study was inspired by the game Janowski-Marshall (Monte Carlo, 1901). After some hesitation, Janowski has found the right strategy and headed with the king to h8.

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