Sunday, 24 July 2016

Knight switch 2

E. Dobrescu & H. v. d. Heijden
Israel-50 JT
1st Prize

White wins

1. Nec3+ 1. Ndc3+? Ka1 = 1... Ka1 2. Nxa4 Qa3+

position 1

3. Nab2 Qc5+ (3... Qa2 4. Rxa7 +-) 4. Nc3 Qg1+ 5. Nbd1 Qc5 6. Rxa7+! Qxa7 7. Na4!

position 2

7. Nb5? Qc5+ -+ 7... Qc7+ 8. Ndc3 Qh2! (8... Qd6 9. Nc5 +-; 8... Qe5 9. Nb2 +-) 9. Nb2 Qg1+ 10. Ncd1 Qc5+ 11. Nc4! Qxc4+ 12. Nc3 Qa6 13. Nb5! The rook has disappeared so white controls the c6 square! 13... Qf6 14. Qa8+ Ba2 15. Qxa2+ (15. Nc3? Qa6! 16. Qe4 (16. Qh8 Qa3+ 17. Kd1 Bb3+ 18. Ke1 Qxe7+ =; 16. Qxa6 stalemate) 16... Qa3+! 17. Kd1 Bb3+ 18. Ke1 Qc1+ 19. Kf2 Qxd2+ =) 15... Kxa2 16. Nc3+ Ka1! 17. e8=Q Qc6! 18. Qe4! (18. Qh8? Qh1+! 19. Qxh1 stalemate; 18. Qe3? Qh1+ 19. Nd1 Qc6+ 20. Nc3 Qh1+ perpetual check; 18. Qe5? Qc5! 19. Qe3 Qa3+ 20. Kd1 Qc1+! 21. Kxc1 stalemate; 18. Qxc6? stalemate)

During the transition from position 1 and 2, the two knights have interchanged their places!

Watch this study on a dynamic board! Click here!

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