Tuesday, 5 July 2016


I would like to present some of the studies from the 10th World Chess Composition Tournament 2016-2017 organized by the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC). It was a thematic tournament with following theme:

"A logical study with the foresight theme. In a win or a draw study, there is at least one logical try. In this try a critical position B occurs that is very similar to a critical position A in the solution, except for a small difference."

The tourney is still in the judging phase. All studies can be downloaded in pdf and pgn formats in the Downloads section of this blog. Below I present some of the studies I liked.

Update (2017.07.11) The award was published: Award

Unknown author

White wins

1. Rd8 h5! 2. Rd1+! (2. f8=Q? e1=Q 3. Rd1 g4#) 2... exd1=Q 3. Bxd1 g4+ 4. Kh4 Nd7 5. Ba4! (Thematic try: 5. Kxh5? g3 6. Ba4 Nf8 7. Kh6 g2 8. Bc6 e5! 9. Kg7 (9. fxe6 e.p. Nxe6 =) 9... Nd7! 10. f8=Q Nxf8 11. Kxf8 Kh2 12. Bxg2 Kxg2

position B

13. f6 e4 14. f7 e3 15. Kg8 e2 16. f8=Q e1=Q =) 5... Nf8 6. Bc6+! Kh2 7. Kxh5 g3 8. Kh6 g2 (8... e5 9. Kg7 +-) 9. Bxg2 Kxg2 10. Kg7 Nd7 11. f8=Q Nxf8 12. Kxf8 e5

position A

Can you spot the difference between position A and B? They look absolutely the same! But there is a small difference: in position A white can take the e5 pawn by an en passant capture!) 13. fxe6! e.p. +-

Watch this study on a dynamic board! Click here!

Unknown author

White wins

Thematic try: 1. f4+? position B 1... Kc3 2. Rxb2 Rxb2 3. Ka5 Rb5+ 4. Kxa6 Rf5 5. f7 Kc4 6. g7 Rf6+ 7. Ka5 Rf5+ 8. Ka4 Rf6 9. Ka3 Kc3 10. Ka2 Ra6+ 11. Kb1 Rb6+ 12. Kc1 Ra6 13. Kd1 Kd3 14. Ke1 Ke3 15. Kf1

15... Kf3! The black king can hide under the f-pawn! 16. Kg1 Rg6+ 17. Kh2 Rh6+ positional draw

Solution: 1. f3+!! position A 1... Kc3 2. Rxb2 Rxb2 3. Ka5 Rb5+ 4. Kxa6 Rf5 5. f7 Kc4 6. g7 Rf6+ 7. Ka5 Rf5+ 8. Ka4 Rf6 9. Ka3 Kc3 10. Ka2 Ra6+ 11. Kb1 Rb6+ 12. Kc1 Ra6 13. Kd1 Kd3 14. Ke1 Ke3 15. Kf1 +- Now the black king cannot hide under the f-pawn!

Watch this study on a dynamic board! Click here!


erony said...

Like André Chéron said, the same photography does not mean the same position !

автор said...


автор said...

трудился 18 месяцев