1. Simple motifs
- Winning material
- by capture
- by pinning
- by catching a piece
- catching the Q
- catching the R
- catching the B
- catching the N
- by domination
- simple domination (the piece is attacked)
- domination by zugzwang (the piece is not attacked)
- Check
- Counter-check
- Many checks
- Pin
- Cross-pin
- Counter pin
- Repeated counter pin
- Half-pin
- Unpinning
- K moves along the pinning line
- Pinned piece moves along the pin line (Pelle move)
- Fork
- Simple fork (one piece attacks two pieces)
- Complex fork (one piece attacks several pieces)
- Doubled fork (two simultaneous forks on the same two pieces)
- Self-fork
- Superfork (two adjacent pawns attacks two pieces)
- Battery
- Half-battery
- Double battery
- Discovered check
- Attacking K moves along the battery line
- Defending K moves along the battery line
- X-ray attack (Skewer)
- X-ray defence
- Obstruction
- Interference
- Windmill
- Repeated captures (Checkers Theme)
- Sliding battery
- Saavedra’s double threat
- Réti manoeuvre
- Chase
- Funktionwechsel (exchange of role)
- Grip Theme
- Sandwich Theme
- Transformation of pinning
- Mutual obstructions
- Paradoxical capture (the capture of the least valued piece)
- Domino Theme
- Paralysis
- Overloading
- Dual avoidance
- Shutting in an own piece
- Winning fortress
- Eilazyan Theme
- Nowotny
- Grimshaw
- Bristol
- Herlin
- Turton
- Loyd-Turton
- Brunner-Turton
- Plachutta
- Würzburg-Plachutta
- Seeberger
- Kling
- Roman
- Indian
- Albino
- Pickaninny
- Banny
- Umnov
- Magnet Theme
- Critical move
- Focal position
- Zabunov Theme
- WCCT-7 Theme
- WCCT-10 Theme
- Perpetual check
- Perpetual check by one piece
- Perpetual check by two pieces
- Perpetual check by many pieces
- Forced perpetual check
- Perpetual check/stalemate
- Perpetual check avoidance
- Desperado
- Perpetual attack
- One piece against one piece
- One piece against two pieces
- Two pieces against one piece
- Two pieces against two pieces
- Perpetual fork
- Perpetual threat of mate
- Perpetual stalemate
- Perpetual pinning
- Perpetual self-pinning
- Perpetual transformation of pinning
- Perpetual prevention from pawn promotion
- Perpetual mate avoidance
- Fortress
- Blockade
- Perpetual threat of perpetual attack
- Perpetual threat of perpetual check
- Perpetual threat of pawn promotion
- Perpetual threat of stalemate
- Perpetual threat of fortress
- Perpetual threat of blockade
- Perpetual threat of fork
- Perpetual threat of theoretical draw
- Perpetual threat of winning material
- Perpetual prevention of losing material
- Perpetual threat of catching a piece
- Perpetual threat of a battery
- Perpetual threat to castle
- Perpetual battery
- Perpetual switch of places
- Perpetual Nowotny
- Perpetual Plachutta
- Perpetual Grimshaw
- Perpetual fastening
- Passive domination
- Reciprocal perpetual check
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