Sunday, 24 September 2017

Breakthrough 1

P. Cathignol
Thèmes 64

White wins

1. d5! This is the only move that wins! 1...exd5 2. exd5 cxd5 3. a5 bxa5 4. b5 axb5 5. cxb5 Ke7 6. b6 Kd7 7. b7 (7. g5) 7... Kc7 8. g5 fxg5 9. h5 gxh5 10. f5 a4 11. f6 (11. b8=Q+) 11... a3 12. f7 a2 13. b8=Q+ Kxb8 14. f8=Q+ +-

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