1. h7 Nf5! Black doesn't capture the c2 pawn anticipating a NN/P endgame with a harmful pawn! 1... Nxc2 2. h8=Q Bxd4+ 3. Qxd4 Nxd4 4. Nxb4! Nxb4 = 2. h8=Q Bxd4+ fork 3. Qxd4 Nxd4 4. Nxb4! 4. c4? bxc3 e.p. -+; 4. Kb7? Nc3! 5. Nxb4 Kxb4 -+ 4... Nxb4
5. c4!! 5. c3? fork 5... Nbc6+! (5... Ndc6+? 6. Ka8! Nd3 7. c4 Nc5 stalemate) 6. Ka8!? (6. Kb7 Nd8+ 7. Kc7 N4c6! 8. c4 Ka6 9. c5 Ka7 -+ The white king cannot reach a8, the only safe corner if the pawn is blocked on c5.) 6... Ne6 7. c4 Ka6! Black doesn't block the pawn and lets it pass the Troitzky line! (7... Nc5? stalemate) 8. c5 Nc7# 5... Ne6 6. c5! Now it is too late to stop the pawn because it has passed the Troitzky line. 6... Nc6+ 7. Kb7 (or 7. Ka8 Kb5 8. Kb7 Ned8+ 9. Ka8) 7... Ned8+ 8. Ka8! White still has to be very careful! Even if the pawn has passed the Troizky line, a8 is the only safe corner. 8... Ne6 8... Kb5 stalemate 9. Kb7 Ned4 10. Ka8! positional draw - fortress 10. Kc7? Ka6 -+
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