Saturday 22 September 2018

Study 154

Árpád Rusz

White wins

1. Nxa3+! (1. Nxc3+? Ka6 =) 1... Qxa3 (1... Ka6 2. Nc4 h2 3. Ra8+ Kb7 4. Ra5 +-) 2. Rb8+ Both dangerous white pawns are pinned but black unpins the d6 pawn and sets a trap: 2... Kc5! 3. Rxc3+! fork. It was very tempting to push the unpinned pawn: 3. d7? Qa7! Both pawns are pinned again. 4. Rc8+ Kd5 5. Rf1 h2 6. Ke8 Qxd7+! (6... Qe3+? 7. Kf8 Rxf7+! 8. Rxf7 Qh6+ 9. Kg8 Qg6+ 10. Rg7 Qe6+ 11. Kh7 Qf5+ 12. Kh8! Qxd7 13. Rxd7+ Ke6 14. Re8+! Kxd7 15. Re1 +-) 7. Kxd7 Rxf7+! 8. Rxf7 h1=Q = 3... Qxc3 4. Rc8+ Kd4 5. Rxc3 Rxf7+! (5... Kxc3 6. Ke8 +-)

6. Ke6!! White is very polite and lets Black to be the first to take the rook. Thematic try: 6. Kxf7? Kxc3 mutual zugzwang 7. d7 h2 mutual zugzwang 8. d8=Q h1=Q mutual zugzwang 9. d4 Qb7+ 10. Ke6 (10. Qe7 Qd5+ perpetual check 11. Qe6 Qb7+ 12. Qe7 Qd5+ perpetual check) 10... Qe4+ = The e4-square was no longer controlled. 6... Kxc3 7. Kxf7 mutual zugzwang

7... h2 8. d7 mutual zugzwang 8... h1=Q Black is also let to be the first to promote the pawn. 9. d8=Q mutual zugzwang

9... Qb7+ Now we see the reason for white's eccentric play: the black queen has to leave its ideal square. 9... Qf3+ 10. Qf6+ +- 10. Ke6! Contrary to the thematic try, now there is no check on e4. 10... Qh1 The black queen returns to h1 but something has changed: the white king is protecting the d5 square! 11. Qa5+! Kxd3 12. Qd5+ +- fork

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