Sunday 6 October 2019

Pelle move 1

Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen & Martin Minski
Kekely-60 JT
3rd Honourable Mention

White wins

1. Qh4+!! Nxh4 2. Bb1 Kg6! (2... Qxb1 3. Rxb1 +-; 2... g6 3. Bxf5 +-) 3. c7! (3. Bxf5+?? Nxf5#; 3. e7?? Kxf7 -+)

a) 3... Qe4!! Pelle move (3... Qxb1 4. Rxb1 +-) 4. cxd8=R!! (4. Bxe4+?? Nf5#; 4. cxd8=Q? Nf5+! 5. Qxh8 Qh4+! queen sacrifice on the same square 6. Qxh4 pin stalemate) 4... Rh6 5. Rh8! Rxh8 6. f8=R!! echo (thematic try: 6. d8=R? Rh6! = (6... Rh7? 7. f8=N+! +-; 6... Rh5? 7. g4 +-); 6. f8=N+?? Kg5! 7. d8=Q+ Kg4 8. Qd1+ Nf3#) 6... Nf5+ 7. Rxh8 Qh4+ 8. Rxh4 +- no stalemate

b) 3... Qd3!! Pelle move 4. cxd8=R!! (4. cxd8=Q? Nf5+! 5. Qxh8 Qg3+ 6. Kh1 Qh4+! queen sacrifice on the same square 7. Qxh4 pin stalemate; 4. Bxd3+?? Nf5#) 4... Rh6 5. Rh8! Rxh8 6. d8=R!! echo (thematic try: 6. f8=R? Rh6! = (6... Rh7? 7. Rf3! Nf5+ 8. Rh3 +-)) 6... Nf5+ 7. Rxh8 Qg3+ 8. Kh1 Qh4+ 9. Rxh4 +- no stalemate

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