Wednesday 4 November 2020

Study 154

Árpád Rusz
3rd Prize
- version -
White wins

1. Ba3! 1. Rxc3+? Kd5 = and both dangerous white pawns are pinned.

a) 1... Qxa3 2. Rxc3+! fork 2... Qxc3 3. Rc8+ Kd4 4. Rxc3 Rxf7+! 4... Kxc3 5. Ke8 +-

The correct move to win is 5. Ke6!! White is very polite, and lets Black to be the first to take the rook. 5... Kxc3 6. Kxf7 mutual zugzwang

mutual zugzwang

6... h2 7. d7 mutual zugzwang 7... h1=Q Black was let to be the first to promote the pawn. 8. d8=Q mutual zugzwang

8... Qb7+ Now we see the reason for white's eccentric play: the black queen has to leave its ideal square. 8... Qf3+ 9. Qf6+ +- 9. Ke6! Contrary to the thematic try, there is no check on e4. 9... Qh1 The black queen returns to h1 but something has changed: the white king is protecting the d5 square! 10. Qa5+! Kxd3 11. Qd5+ +- fork

Thematic try at move 5: 5. Kxf7? Kxc3 mutual zugzwang 6. d7 h2 mutual zugzwang 7. d8=Q h1=Q mutual zugzwang 8. d4 Qb7+ 9. Ke6 9. Qe7 Qd5+ 10. Qe6 Qb7+ 11. Qe7 Qd5+ perpetual check 9... Qe4+ = The e4-square was no longer controlled.

But what if black captures the pawn earlier and doesn't allow the triangulation?
b) 1... Rxf7+!? 2. Kxf7 2. Ke6? Rf6+! 3. Kxf6 Qxa3 = and the queen would capture on c3 with check. 2... Qxa3 3. Rxc3+! Qxc3 4. Rc8+ Kd4

5. d7!! 5. Rxc3? Kxc3 = mutual zugzwang 5... Qb3+ 6. Kf8 6. Kg7? Qb7 -+ 6... Qb4+ 7. Kg8 Qb3+ 8. Kh8! +-

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