Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Study 130

Árpád Rusz
after Javier Rodriguez Ibran
Special Honourable Mention
- version -

White wins

1. Qd3+ Kc1 1... Rd2 2. Qxb1# 2. R7g2 Bh3! 2... Bf5 3. Re2! +- 3. Ba3! Ne3+! 3... Qg4 4. Qc2# 4. Qxe3+ Qd2 5. Qxd2+ cxd2 6. e8=Q d1=Q+ 7. Qe1!

full point zugzwang

7... Qxe1+ 8. Kxe1 Bxg2 9. Rxg2 zugzwang 9... Ra1 10. Bxb2+ +-

Watch this study on a dynamic board! Click here!

The study is based on a 10-man aristocratic full point zugzwang discovered by Javier Rodriguez Ibran (EG130, 1998). AFAIK this is the first study to feature this position.

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