Wednesday 26 December 2018

WCCI 2016-18: Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe (NOR)

Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe
EG 50 AT
2nd Prize


1st Logical try: 1. g4? Ne3+ 2. fxe3 Rc1+ 3. Kf2 Nxg4+ 4. Kg3 Rg1+ 5. Kh3 Be4! 6. Bxe4 h1=Q+ 7. Bxh1 Rxh1+ 8. Kxg4 Rxh8 9. Nc6 d2 10. d8=Q Rxd8 11. Nxd8 d1=Q+ 12. Kxg5 Qxd8+ 13. Kg6

Because Black's king is on a2 instead of a1, Black wins by one tempo, for example 13... Kb3 14. e4 Kc4 15. e5 Qf8! (15... Kd5? 16. Kg7! Qg5+ 17. Kh7 Qf5+ 18. Kg7 =) 16. e6 Kd5 17. e7 Qxe7 18. Kg7 Ke6 -+

1. Bd5+! Kb1 2. g4 Ne3+ 3. fxe3 Rc1+ 4. Kf2 Nxg4+ 5. Kg3 Rg1+ 6. Kh3 Be4!

2nd Logical try: 7. Bxe4? h1=Q+ 8. Bxh1 Rxh1+ 9. Kxg4 Rxh8 10. Nc6 d2 11. d8=Q Rxd8 12. Nxd8 d1=Q+ 13. Kxg5 Qxd8+ 14. Kg6

Because Black's king is on b1 instead of a1, Black wins by one tempo: 14... Kc2 (or 14... Qf8) 15. e4 Kd3 16. e5 Qf8! (16... Ke4? 17. Kg7! Qg5+ 18. Kh7 Qf5+ 19. Kg7 =) 17. e6 Ke4 18. e7 Qxe7 19. Kg7 Kf5 20. Kg8 Kg6 -+

7. Qa1+!! Kxa1 8. Bxe4 h1=Q+ 9. Bxh1 Rxh1+ 10. Kxg4 Rh8 11. Nc6 d2 12. d8=Q Rxd8 13. Nxd8 d1=Q+ 14. Kxg5 Qxd8+ 15. Kg6

Because Black's king is on a1 instead of a2 or b1, White draws by one tempo: 15... Kb2 16. e4 Kc3 17. e5 Qf8 18. e6 Kd4 19. e7 Qxe7 20. Kg7 Ke5 21. Kg8 =

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Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe
Timman 65JT
1st Prize

White wins

1. Nd7+ Nxd7 2. Ne8! (2. e7? Kxc7 3. e8=Q Rxe8 4. Nxe8+ Kc6 =) 2... Rxe8 3. exd7

3... Re1! Prokeš manoeuvre. 4. c8=N+! (4. Rxe1? Kxc7 5. Re7 Kd8 6. Rh7 b5 7. Rh5 Kxd7 8. Rxb5 Kc6 9. Rh5 d5 =) 4... Kc7 5. Rxe1 d2 6. d8=Q+! Kxd8

7. Re8+! Prokeš manoeuvre. 7... Kxe8 8. Kxc2 Kd7 9. Na7! (The c4 pawn is poisoned: 9. Nb6+? Kc6 10. Nxc4 d1=Q+! 11. Kxd1 Kc5 =) 9... Kc7 10. Nb5+ Kc6 11. Na3 b5 12. Kxd2 Kc5 13. Nc2 +-

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Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe
Logical uncastling TT

White wins

Logical uncastling: "White makes an initial threat which is prevented by Black's castling. Then White forces Black's king and rook back to their original squares, and White repeats the initial threat, which can not be prevented because Black can not castle."

1. Rh3! O-O-O! 2. a7 2. Rb4? Nf3! -+ 2... Kb7 2... Kc7 3. Rc3+ Kb6 4. Rb4+ Ka5 5. Rb8 +- 3. a8=Q+! 3. Rb4+? Ka8! -+ 3... Rxa8 4. Rb4+ Kc7 4... Ka6 5. Ra3 d1=Q 6. Raxa4+ Qxa4 7. Rxa4+ Kb6 (7... Kb5 8. Rxa8 +-) 8. Rb4+! (8. Rxa8? Kc7! =) 8... Kc5 9. Rxb2 +- 5. Rc3+ Kd8 6. Rf4 Ke8

The position is now the same as the initial position, except that Black can not castle (and the a6 pawn is gone). 7. Rh3! Now 7...0-0-0 is illegal, otherwise it would have drawn: 8. Rc3+ Kb7 9. Rb4+ Ka6 = 7... Kd8 8. Rc4 b1=Q 9. Rh8#

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Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe
6th UAPA Ty
1st Prize

White wins

1. Rh1+ Kg4 2. f7 Ra8 3. Rd8! Rxd8 3... g2 4. Rg8+ +- 4. e7

4... Rd4+! First Prokeš manoeuvre 5. Kxd4 Bxf7 6. Ke3 g2

7. Rh4+! Second Prokes manoeuvre 7... Kg3 8. Rg4+! Kxg4 9. Kxf2 Kf5 10. a6 Ke6 11. a7 +-

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Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe
Kondratyuk-70 MT
4th/5th Prize


1. g6 Be3! Clearing the f-file for Black's rook. Everything else is too slow, for example: 1... Bd4 2. Ba4 Rf1+ 3. Ke7 d1=Q 4. Bxd1 Rxd1 5. g7 = 2. Bxe3 Rf1+! 3. Bxf1 d1=Q Black sacrificed two pieces in order to queen. Now it is White's turn to sacrifice two pieces in order to queen.

4. Be2!! Qxe2 4... Qd8+ 5. Kf7 Qd7+ 6. Kf6! Qd6+ 7. Kf7 = 5. Bf4+! Kxf4 6. g7 =

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Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe
Yerevan 2800
4th Honourable Mention
- correction -


1. e7 Rd4+! First Prokeš manoeuvre 2. cxd4 Bxf7 3. Kf3 Bc1! 4. e8=Q! Forcing the bishop away from c4. 4. Rxc1? d2 5. Rc4+ Bxc4! -+ 4... Bxe8 5. Rxc1 d2 6. Rc4+! Second Prokeš manoeuvre 6... bxc4 7. Kxe2 c3 8. Rb1 c2 8... Bxh5+ 9. Kd3 Bg6+ 10. Kxc3 Bxb1 11. Kxd2 = 9. Rb4+! Third Prokeš manoeuvre 9... Kxb4 10. Kxd2 =

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